Monday, July 22, 2013

Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence live @ Rock Am Ring 6-4-6 by miss housegirl

Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence live @ Rock Am Ring 6-4-6 Depeche Mode live at Rock Am Ring, Germany 06-04-06 "Enjoy The Silence"

Humour N°150 - Sexy Hip Hop Honeys by SpecialHumour41

Humour N°150 - Sexy Hip Hop Honeys Les plus grosses biatch des clip de rap US dans une séquence vidéo sans une seule coupure. Un Petit Merci et J'aime + S'abonner Pour M'aider a Mettre D'autre Vidéos Merci.

Australian Wine Information by australiantales

Australian Wine Information Australia is the fourth largest exporter of wine around the world. . The wine industry is a significant contributor to the Australian economy through production, employment, export and tourism. Wine is produced in every state, with more than 60 designated wine regions and major varieties grown are Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling, Semillon, and Sauvignon Blanc. If you're planning to travel to Australia soon, and you're lover of fine wine and good food, do yourself a big favour and be sure to include a visit to at least one or two of the Australian wine growing regions in your itinerary.

Theatrical Garden at the Harmony Atrium in Lincoln Center by fredericco1000

Theatrical Garden at the Harmony Atrium in Lincoln Center Plants wall installation at the Harmony Atrium Lincoln Center New York

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Reportaje sobre Terapia Urbana, diseño de jardines verticales, en Espacio Empresa, tve2 by Terapia Urbana

Reportaje sobre Terapia Urbana, diseño de jardines verticales, en Espacio Empresa, tve2 Reportaje sobre Terapia Urbana, empresa sevillana especializada en el diseño e instalación de jardines verticales y techos verdes, emitido dentro del programa Espacio Empresa de tve 2 el sábado 23 de marzo de 2013. En el reportaje se visitan las últimas instalaciones realizadas por Terapia Urbana en Sevilla, el jardínb vertical del Hospital Quirón Sagrado Corazón y el lienzo naturado Slimgreenwall en las oficinas de Ayesa. Además repasa la evolución de la empresa, situación actual, nuevas líneas de negocio como jardines verticales DIY GREENandFUN y Habitat y proceso de internacionalización en Reino Unido.

Como instalar un jardín vertical DIY Habitat de Terapia Urbana by Terapia Urbana

Como instalar un jardín vertical DIY Habitat de Terapia Urbana Aprende cómo instalar tu propio jardín vertical con nuestro sistema DIY Habitat para jardín vertical. En Terapia Urbana hemos diseñado este kit para que puedas colocar un pequeño jardín vertical en tu casa u oficina, descubre la experiencia de introducir la naturaleza en tu espacio con nuestros sistemas DIY. Más información en

Como instalar un jardín vertical DIY GREENandFUN de Terapia Urbana by Terapia Urbana

Como instalar un jardín vertical DIY GREENandFUN de Terapia Urbana Como instalar un jardín vertical DIY GREENandFUN de Terapia Urbana. Aprende a instalar nuestro sistema de jardín vertical Do It Yourself y podrás disfrutar de tu propio jardín vertical en casa. Al final del video os dejamos un ejemplo de lo que Monique Briones "La Paisajista! consigue usando nuestro sistema. Más información en y en .


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RAP FRANCAIS. HIP HOP TV. RAP FRANCAIS regardez ici: RAP FRANCAIS. HIP HOP TV. RAP FRANCAIS Le hip-hop est un mouvement culturel et artistique apparu aux États-Unis à New York, dans le South Bronx au début des années 1970. Originaire des ghettos noirs et latinos de New York, il se répandra rapidement dans l'ensemble du pays puis au monde entier au point de devenir une culture urbaine importante. La culture hip hop connaît plusieurs disciplines : le rap (ou MCing), le DJing, le break dancing (ou b-boying), le graffiti, le beatboxing. Ces disciplines, apparues avant le hip hop, seront intégrées dès la naissance du mouvement. C'est néanmoins par son expression musicale qu'il est le plus connu et, de ce fait, souvent réduit à celle-ci. La musique hip-hop s'inscrit à la fois dans la continuité et la rupture avec la musique noire américaine. En continuité manifeste parce qu'elle est la lointaine héritière des complaintes sur les conditions de vie des Afro-américains dans le quartier du Bronx (work songs, negro spirituals), de la tradition de l'improvisation apparue avec le ragtime puis le jazz, et des dialogues musicaux (call and response). Cette expression musicale est elle-même souvent appelée tout entière rap, ce qui est là aussi un raccourci dans la mesure où ce terme ne s'applique qu'à la parole, scandée et saccadée, propre au MCing. La musique hip hop peut en effet revêtir plusieurs formes : ou bien se limiter aux seuls beats du DJ (Disc Jockey), auquel cas le terme de rap ne convient pas. Le terme rap, et encore moins le terme hip hop, ne peut s'appliquer au slam. Le slam n'ayant aucun rapport de près ou de loin avec le hip hop. RAP FRANCAIS. HIP HOP TV. RAP FRANCAIS Celle-ci est toutefois en rupture car elle n'est pas le fruit d'une évolution « naturelle » ou « organisée » du funk ou des autres influences citées, inventée par des musiciens confirmés au terme d'une recherche personnelle (comme ce fut le cas pour le passage du jazz, blues, gospel à la musique soul, et de la soul au funk) mais l'appropriation de ces musiques par une jeunesse noire défavorisée, urbaine, et surtout non-instrumentiste, en dehors des circuits habituels de la production musicale. Contrairement aux anciens styles de musique afro-américains qui ne témoignaient que de façon incidente ou détournée des conditions de vie de la communauté noire américaine, le hip hop se présente comme l'expression même de ces conditions de vie et se propose de « coller à la rue », c'est-à-dire de suivre les codes et relations qui règlent la vie des ghettos.: RAP FRANCAIS. HIP HOP TV. RAP FRANCAIS. La culture hip hop arrive en France en novembre 1982, environ dix ans après son apparition aux États-Unis, avec la tournée New York City Rap en Europe qui diffusa largement cette culture à l'extérieur. Le graffiti commença à se répandre à travers l'hexagone à partir de l'année 1983, et particulièrement à partir de l'été 1984, où les premières pièces apparaissent sur les quais de Seine, réalisées par les premiers tagueurs français Bando, Mode 2, les CTK et les BBC1. Le rap et le deejaying commencèrent leur ascension. . Si cette division géographique du hip hop tend à perdre aujourd'hui de sa pertinence, au profit d'une division par « courants » et « valeurs », les procédés énumérés pour exprimer les relations entre hip-hoppers restent les mêmes. De fait, plus que pour d'autres genres musicaux, l'évolution du hip hop est indissociable de l'histoire des relations entretenues par ses différents acteurs, c'est-à-dire d'une certaine histoire de la rue américaine. D'où l'inscription de cette musique dans l'ensemble culturel plus vaste mentionné plus haut, et l'attitude des hip-hoppers qui gardent le style vestimentaire de la rue (street-wear), le langage du ghetto (slang) et ses valeurs. D'où aussi, initialement, l'attachement des hip-hoppers à leur quartier (à travers la notion de représentation), qui se traduit, positivement, par un lien généralement solide avec les autres hip-hoppers issus du même lieu, exprimé par la formation de collectifs (crew, posse, squad, clan ou clique) ou des invitations à rapper sur un même morceau (featuring), et négativement, par une rivalité avec les hip-hoppers venus d'autres quartiers, s'exprimant quant à elle au mieux par une saine émulation, au pire par des tensions (diss) réglées dans les couplets eux-mêmes. RAP FRANCAIS. HIP HOP TV. RAP FRANCAIS ( Credit video: Music (Creative Commons License): Stop that's not HIPHOP By Mr Cocktail Authors from Pictures (Creative Commons License): rim_155, Circuito Fora do Eixo, Chun Li, hip-hop-tv, zera, Magnus Manske, temycroco, temycroco, Angelus, Eminemrapper, Jean-noël Lafargue, vagebone, marcuzakamoo, russavia RAP FRANCAIS. HIP HOP TV. RAP FRANCAIS regardez ici:

Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players by THEVERYBESTADSFORYOU

Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Click and learnt how to get money repairing DVD Players. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players DVD Player repair guide is all you need. DVD Player repair guide EBook covers the main DVD blocks which include the power supply board, the loader and its associated components and the main board. The book is highly recommended for new students in electronics and provides a solid foundation for those who want to scale the ladder of DVD player repair faster.DVD Player repair guide. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Because of the important of the power supply in all electronics equipment, I have done my best to explain the working principles and troubleshooting techniques with regard to DVD power supplies.DVD Player repair guide. How to DVD Player repair. Switch mode power supply (S.M.P.S) design have a lot of similarities irrespective of the equipment type and therefore you can throw a formidable challenge to any S.M.P.S problem which comes your way using the information shared in the eBook. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players DVD Player repair guide. List of Content: introduction to DVD player repair An overview of DVD Player, Power board, Loader and Decoder Component found in DVD Player Power supply (S.M.P.S) Introduction to how DVD player S.M.P.S works. Troubleshooting DVD power supply. Understanding the Loader components, the lens, motors, pickup how I solved ORION DVD player which with DEAD symptoms. how I solved 'No disc" symptoms on JVC DVD player LG DVD Disc spins at high speed but no audio no video. Chapter 10: How I repaired a DVD home theatre system with "No Disc" symptoms. How I solved LG DVD player which was hit by power surge. Conclusion The book is divided into two parts Every Chapter is hyperlinked to the list of content for easy navigation within the book for those who decide to read the book directly from the computer screen. Part one: is composed of 6 chapters - Introduction to DVD player repair. Understanding and troubleshooting the DVD power supply, the Loader components and common problems associated with these modules. Part Two: is composed of 5 chapters of how I solved real life Common DVD player cases on my workbench. The book is illustrated with Color photos to make the reader learn faster and get the concept pretty fast. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players


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Friday, July 12, 2013


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Thursday, July 11, 2013


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Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Click and learnt how to get money repairing DVD Players. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players DVD Player repair guide is all you need. DVD Player repair guide EBook covers the main DVD blocks which include the power supply board, the loader and its associated components and the main board. The book is highly recommended for new students in electronics and provides a solid foundation for those who want to scale the ladder of DVD player repair faster.DVD Player repair guide. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Because of the important of the power supply in all electronics equipment, I have done my best to explain the working principles and troubleshooting techniques with regard to DVD power supplies.DVD Player repair guide. How to DVD Player repair. Switch mode power supply (S.M.P.S) design have a lot of similarities irrespective of the equipment type and therefore you can throw a formidable challenge to any S.M.P.S problem which comes your way using the information shared in the eBook. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players DVD Player repair guide. List of Content: introduction to DVD player repair An overview of DVD Player, Power board, Loader and Decoder Component found in DVD Player Power supply (S.M.P.S) Introduction to how DVD player S.M.P.S works. Troubleshooting DVD power supply. Understanding the Loader components, the lens, motors, pickup how I solved ORION DVD player which with DEAD symptoms. how I solved 'No disc" symptoms on JVC DVD player LG DVD Disc spins at high speed but no audio no video. Chapter 10: How I repaired a DVD home theatre system with "No Disc" symptoms. How I solved LG DVD player which was hit by power surge. Conclusion The book is divided into two parts Every Chapter is hyperlinked to the list of content for easy navigation within the book for those who decide to read the book directly from the computer screen. Part one: is composed of 6 chapters - Introduction to DVD player repair. Understanding and troubleshooting the DVD power supply, the Loader components and common problems associated with these modules. Part Two: is composed of 5 chapters of how I solved real life Common DVD player cases on my workbench. The book is illustrated with Color photos to make the reader learn faster and get the concept pretty fast. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players

Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Click and learnt how to get money repairing DVD Players. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players DVD Player repair guide is all you need. DVD Player repair guide EBook covers the main DVD blocks which include the power supply board, the loader and its associated components and the main board. The book is highly recommended for new students in electronics and provides a solid foundation for those who want to scale the ladder of DVD player repair faster.DVD Player repair guide. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Because of the important of the power supply in all electronics equipment, I have done my best to explain the working principles and troubleshooting techniques with regard to DVD power supplies.DVD Player repair guide. How to DVD Player repair. Switch mode power supply (S.M.P.S) design have a lot of similarities irrespective of the equipment type and therefore you can throw a formidable challenge to any S.M.P.S problem which comes your way using the information shared in the eBook. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players DVD Player repair guide. List of Content: introduction to DVD player repair An overview of DVD Player, Power board, Loader and Decoder Component found in DVD Player Power supply (S.M.P.S) Introduction to how DVD player S.M.P.S works. Troubleshooting DVD power supply. Understanding the Loader components, the lens, motors, pickup how I solved ORION DVD player which with DEAD symptoms. how I solved 'No disc" symptoms on JVC DVD player LG DVD Disc spins at high speed but no audio no video. Chapter 10: How I repaired a DVD home theatre system with "No Disc" symptoms. How I solved LG DVD player which was hit by power surge. Conclusion The book is divided into two parts Every Chapter is hyperlinked to the list of content for easy navigation within the book for those who decide to read the book directly from the computer screen. Part one: is composed of 6 chapters - Introduction to DVD player repair. Understanding and troubleshooting the DVD power supply, the Loader components and common problems associated with these modules. Part Two: is composed of 5 chapters of how I solved real life Common DVD player cases on my workbench. The book is illustrated with Color photos to make the reader learn faster and get the concept pretty fast. Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players Get money repairing DVD Players. Guide for Get money repairing DVD Players

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

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Nuevo SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 . Donde comprar el SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 by nuevoSamsungGalaxyS4

Nuevo SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 . Donde comprar el SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 Info: Nuevo SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 . Donde comprar el SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 El SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 es un móvil increíble. Está diseñado para aquellos a quienes les gusta estar bien conectados y realizar distintas tareas a la vez. Llama a un amigo, contesta el teléfono, previsualiza y muévete entre emails y videos sin incluso tocar el teléfono. Cuando conectas el GALAXY S4 a tu sistema doméstico puede incluso sugerir programas de televisión basándose en tus preferencias. Accede tu sistema HomeSync desde todos los aparatos y compártelo remotamente con tu familia y amigos. Pulsa en el enlace y se el primero en tener el nuevo SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 - (ahora en AMAZON). El GALAXY S4 captura toda la acción donde quiera que te encuentres. GALAXY 4 comprende la importancia de tu salud. Marca SamsungModelo Galaxy S4 (I9500)Año de fabricación 2013Peso del producto 132 gDimensiones del producto 7 x 0,8 x 13,7 cmNúmero de modelo del producto Galaxy S4 (I9500)Capacidad de la memoria 16 GBRanuras de memoria disponibles MicroSDCapacidad de la memoria RAM instalada 2 GBTecnología de la memoria RAM LPDDR3Capacidad de almacenamiento digital 16 GBSistema operativo Android2 con TouchwizOtras características cámara, camera, e-mail, GPS, internet, touchscreen, pantalla táctil, wifi, conector jack, cámara frontal, cámara frontal 2MP, detección de caras, flash, procesador Quad-Core, tonos MP3, acelerómetro, brújula, barómetro, termómetro, giroscopioTecnología de pantalla Super AMOLED capacitiva. Puede ayudarte a conseguir tus metas de vida saludable, monitorizando tus niveles de actividad durante los ejercicios diarios. El teléfono que se ajusta a ti, y no al revés. Dimensión de la pantalla99 pulgadasTipo de pantalla AMOLEDResolución de pantalla 1080x1920Máxima resolución de pantalla 1080x1920Resolución horizontal 1080 píxelesResolución del sensor óptico 13 MpResolución vertical máx. Con el GALAXY S4 puedes mirar tus fotos, escucharlas y revivir todas aquellas excitantes memorias. También se preocupa por nuestra salud en general, con sensores que automáticamente ajustan la pantalla y el volumen -- dependiendo en como estés usando el teléfono para asegurar una experiencia óptima. 1920 píxelesEntrada de audio Micrófono integradoTipo de salida de audio Jack5mmFormatos de audio compatibles MP4, DivX, XviD, WMV,264,263, MP3, WAV, eAAC+, AC3, FLACResolución de captura de vídeo 1080p_full_hdDescripción de la batería Li-Ion 2600 mAhComposición de la pila de la batería Iones de litioNúmero de canales de salida del altavoz 1Número de puertos USB 1Tipo de entrada touchscreenTipo de conector USBFactor de forma pantalla táctilTipo de medio MP4, DivX, XviD, WMV,264,263, MP3, WAV, eAAC+, AC3, FLACPulsa en el enlace y se el primero en tener el nuevo SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 -I9500 (ahora en AMAZON)El GALAXY S4 captura toda la diversión. Una vez lo hayas hecho, extiende la diversión y comparte instantáneamente los álbumes con tus amigos y familia. Haz múltiples fotos de la misma escena a la vez y edítalas para añadir un efecto dramático especial. "The creator of this video may receive financial compensation for actions resulting from this video." Es el teléfono movil más revolucionario del Mercado. Nuevo SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 . Donde comprar el SAMSUNG GALAXY S4 Pulsa aquí:

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Best Living Walls. Vertical Gardens Blog. Best Living Walls. Best Vertical Gardens by BESTLIVINGWALLS

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Wagon Wheel by Haskinpro426

Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Click and FREE DONWLOAD the Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone ------------------------------------------- Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Wagon Wheel The song describes a hitchhiking journey south along the eastern coast of the United States, from New England in the northeast, through Roanoke, Virginia with the intended destination of Raleigh, North Carolina, where the protagonist hopes to see his lover. Along the way, he shares a smoke with a trucker who is traveling from Philadelphia through Virginia westward toward the Cumberland Gap and Johnson City, Tennessee. It is not clear from the lyrics whether the protagonist traveled with the trucker from Philly to Roanoke before parting ways to head south into North Carolina, or whether he simply crossed paths with the trucker outside of Roanoke. Old Crow Medicine Show's version of the song is in 2/2 time signature, with an approximate tempo of 76 half notes per minute. It is in the key of A major, with the main chord pattern of A-E-F?m-D. Background and writing. Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Wagon Wheel "Wagon Wheel" is a song originally sketched by Bob Dylan and later completed by Ketch Secor of Old Crow Medicine Show.Old Crow Medicine Show's version was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America in April 2013. The song has also been covered by blues artist Matt Andersen in 2005, Against Me! and Jeremy McComb in 2007, Northern Irish singer Nathan Carter in 2012, and Darius Rucker in 2013. Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Wagon Wheel. "Wagon Wheel" is composed of two different parts. The chorus and melody for the song comes from a demo recorded by Bob Dylan during the Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid sessions. Although never officially released, the Dylan song was released on a bootleg and is usually named after the chorus and its refrain, "Rock Me Mama". Although Dylan left the song an unfinished sketch, Ketch Secor of Old Crow Medicine Show wrote verses for the song around Dylan's original chorus. Secor's additional lyrics transformed "Rock Me Mama" into "Wagon Wheel". Secor has stated the song is partially autobiographical. Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone. The song has become extremely popular since its inclusion on Old Crow Medicine Show's major label debut, O.C.M.S. in 2004, although the song appeared in an earlier form on the now out-of-print "Troubles Up and Down the Road" EP in 2001. Dylan's song is often credited to "A. Crudup.", and the official publishing information is Dylan/Secor. As Chris 'Critter' Fuqua of Old Crow describes it: ' I'd gotten a (Bob) Dylan bootleg in like ninth grade and I let (band co-founder) Ketch (Secor) listen to it, and he wrote the verses because Bob kind of mumbles them and that was it. We've been playing that song since we were like 17, and it's funny because we've never met Dylan, but the song is technically co-written by Bob Dylan. What's great about "Wagon Wheel" is that it has grown organically. The popularity of it was all based on word of mouth. There was no radio airplay for it. We made a music video for it, but it wasn't "November Rain" or anything. No one was like, "Oh my God, what's this video about?" And 16 years later, it went gold, then Darius Rucker cut it.' By Wagon Wheel FREE Ringtone Wagon Wheel

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